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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools lay out 3 plans for next school year
Charlotte schools weighing multiple plans for next year; awaiting Cooper's guidance
Some Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools BOE members are considering pivoting to Plan C
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools discusses back to school plans (July 15, 2020)
CMS still trying to fill 400 teacher vacancies
CMS approves phased-in plan approach for returning to in-person instruction: 9/17
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools emergency Board of Education meeting on reopening plans
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools brings more students back on Monday with hybrid plan
CMS outlines how schools can reopen safely for students
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Leaders Approve New School Boundaries
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools to hold meeting on COVID-19 reopening plan
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools back-to-school reopening town hall